

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

There are so many benefits to having sex that you will be shocked to hear it

 There are so many benefits to having sex that you will be shocked to hear it

Do you know why doctors recommend having sex every day? This is because of the benefits that come from having sex. Having sex every day can have many benefits. One of which is hormonal changes in the body of women and men, which proves to be beneficial for both. 

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina recently reported that the level of oxytocin hormones in the body increases after having sex. Which strengthens the relationship. And trust in one another grows. This hormone is also called love hormone.

Blood pressure remains normal

In addition, the research found that having sex keeps blood pressure normal and reduces stress. According to a scientist from Wilkes University, having sex once or twice a week raises the level of an antibody called immunoglobulin in the body and does not cause cold-like infections. This is because these antibodies, which are formed after sex, help prevent cold-like infections. Aside from that, research has shown that having sex regularly strengthens you emotionally.

Can help in such a way

At the same time, love hormones produced in the body after having sex also help in reducing obesity. Because, once you have sex, your body burns 85-90 calories. That's why researchers believe that having sex is good for your health, both physically and mentally.


 One of the benefits of sex is that it lowers the hormone oxytocin. So the endorphin hormone is increased. Which also relieves headaches, joint pains. At the same time, having sex also lowers the risk of prostate cancer in men.