The Gujarat government announced a self-reliant Gujarat Sahay Yojana (aatma nirbhar yojana) for small business owners who became unemployed in the lockdown. People lined up since yesterday to get the form
The Gujarat government announced a self-reliant Gujarat Sahay Yojana (aatma nirbhar yojana) for small business owners who became unemployed in the lockdown. People lined up since yesterday to get the form
Standing outside the banks planted. There is a misconception about this loan in the minds of the people. The matter has been disclosed. Those who think that everyone will get a loan of Rs 1 lakh should read this news specially. Along with this some other revelations have also been made.
The state government has made disclosures for self-sufficient loans. Pradeep Vora, Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat State Co-operative Bank, while briefing the state government on the disclosure, said that the bank or the credit society would decide whether to give a loan to a customer only after checking the repayment capacity. The Department of Agricultural Farmer Welfare and Co-operation has informed the people about this. The CBIL report of the customer applying for the loan will be checked. Sibil means Credit Information Bureau India Limited. If there is a defaulter of any other bank or credit society, those people will be less likely to get a loan. The customer who wants to take a loan will have to provide two guarantors. If a customer does not repay the loan, the bank can take legal action against the guarantor. However, as this self-sufficient loan is an unsecured loan, the co-operative banks will face the risk of NPAs in the coming days.
Be especially aware of these loan rules
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It is divided into four categories based on the occupation of the loan applicant and his ability to repay the loan. The bank will have the power to decide the loan amount of 25 thousand, 50 thousand, 75 thousand and 1 lakh.
The monthly installment for a loan of Rs. 1 lakh is approximately Rs
Monthly installment for a loan of 75 thousand is approximately 2625
Monthly installment for a loan of 50 thousand approximately 1750
The monthly installment for a loan of Rs 25,000 will be around Rs 875 in May
Loan holders have to complete the loan within 30 months
The installment has to be paid from 1st to 10th after the loan is approved
The state government has now made a number of disclosures after issuing forms for self-help loans. The bank or the credit society will decide whether to give the loan to the customer only after checking the ability to repay the loan. The Department of Agricultural Farmer Welfare and Co-operation has given this information through public notice.