Today, Health Secretary Jayanti Ravi held a press conference and said good news for Gujarat. In which the injection called Tosilizumab has been started in Gujarat from today. Apart from this, due to Amit Shah, two important medicines for WHO's solidarity trial have also reached Gujarat. Due to which success will be possible to fight Corona in Gujarat now.
Health Secretary Jayanti Ravi said that the use of toxilizumab injection has been started in Gujarat from today. This injection is likely to be very successful. Patients in critical condition benefit from this injection. These injections are very expensive. But the government has approved the purchase of this injection. And this injection will be widely used in the near future.
In addition, Gujarat has got a solid WHO trial due to Amit Shah. For which two important drugs like remedivir and interferon drugs have also reached Gujarat. Due to which Gujarat will get great success in curing Koro patients in the near future.
Significant improvement in severe patients with toxilizumab injection
In Mumbai, 40 patients were previously given tocilzumab injections. Out of which 30 persons showed good improvement in their health. And in just 2-3 days their health improved. These injections are commonly used to treat arthritis patients. In India, Cipla has a license to make it.
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A bottle of 400 mg costs 40 thousand rupees. And a corona patient needs at least 2 vials of the drug. And doses of this drug are also available in very small quantities. That is also one of the biggest difficulties. Cipla has only a few thousand drugs available.