Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has announced a "Self-Reliant Gujarat Assistance Scheme" aimed at reviving the state's small traders, artisans and working class businesses in the wake of the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of the corona virus. Under which a loan of Rs. 1 lakh will be given. The loan, which is being offered at an annual interest of 2 per cent, can be applied for from May 21.
Informing about this, Chief Minister's Secretary Ashwini Kumar said that the application can be submitted from May 21 to August 31. The application will be available from about 9,000 locations, including about 1,000 district co-operative bank branches, 1,400 urban co-operative banks and more than 7,000 credit societies in the state. The loan will be given to 10 lakh people for three years without any guarantee. Loans will be given to people like laundresses, barbers, plumbers, electricians, small shopkeepers, rickshaw pullers.
Beneficiaries seeking this loan will have to make only one application. Based on which they will get a loan. The loan received under this scheme will not have to pay any installment for 6 months.
Small traders, hawkers, rickshaw pullers will get loans up to Rs 1 lakh at an annual rate of only 2%.
Repayment over a period of three years: No security required
Get a loan from the nearest co-operative bank: No EMI for 6 months
The state government has announced a 3 per cent loan to boost the industry and the economy in Gujarat. Through Atmanirbhar Gujarat Yojana, small traders, businessmen, hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. will benefit by running small households. All you have to do is apply. After Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke of a self-reliant India and Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced various packages, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today announced a self-reliant Gujarat aid scheme in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel and Minister of State for Home Affairs Pradipsinh Jadeja.
The borrower will pay 2% interest and the state government will pay 6% interest.
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10 lakh people will get the A loan of Rs 1 lakh will be available at an annual interest of 2%. While 6 per cent annual interest will be paid by the state government, the first six months will not have to pay interest and principal. Detailed guidelines will now be issued.
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